The magic of past centuries will envelope you when you walk the streets of the historic centre; walking up through the medieval lanes, you will admire in amazement the charme of the cathedral dominating the city, the elegance of Palazzo Trigona, and the severity of Castello Aragonese. You will be fascinated to find yourself lost in the narrow and evocative up-and-down of the streets and alleyways in search of elegant palaces and churches hiding behind every corner: only then you can say you have visited Piazza Armerina.
The history of the city is known since the Norman settlement of Sicily, apparent in the many works of art, the traditions, the chronicles of the time and even the characteristic Gallo-Italian dialect spoken by its inhabitants. This is how we know, for example, of wars between Christians and Saracens, of riots suppressed by force, of the destruction of the old city and its reconstruction towards the end of the XIIth century.
In the centuries to follow Piazza Armerina has shared the historical fate of the whole island: the Swabian domination, followed by the Angevins and Aragonese, the Spanish vice-reign, the Bourbon rule, the Risorgimento movement, and finally the most recent history still witnessed by the oldest inhabitants. But it is the city itself that guards her past to reveal it to her most attentive visitors, who in their travels back in time remain enchanted in the light of the splendour of the churches and monuments as well as of the polychromy of the mosaics of the Roman Villa of Casale.
A circa 5 km. a sud-ovest di Piazza Armerina è ubicato il complesso monumentale noto come Villa Romana del Casale. Si tratta di una lussuosa dimora, recentemente riconosciuta dall'UNESCO e inserita nel "patrimonio dell'Umanità". Negli anni venti, trenta e quaranta del secolo scorso furono effettuati i primi sopralluoghi e con gli scavi degli anni '50 quando fu messo in luce in maniera globale tutto il monumento.
Konstra is featured in the latest edition of the Business Journal (BJ), a leading weekly business periodical for the Cragetown, D.E. metropolitan area. Reporter, Carelyn K.Potter interviewed several Konstra leaders, including our Chairman and CEO, Bruce Dickson, the third-generation family leader, and talked about our company’s rich history of positively engaging in the communities where we work and live, the projects we build for our customers that contribute to local economies, and opportunities for good and challenging work. / Better Construction Management Software Construction management software has steadily improved over the last few years, and many affordable packages are now available that bundle together software for bidding and estimating, project management, change orders, scheduling, human resources, billing, accounting and more. 2019 will see more large and small companies making use of affordable integrated software solutions. / Use of Drones Continuing into 2019 will be one of the hottest trends of recent years: the use of drones. Drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, are here to stay. Drones equipped wih cameras and other electronics can access remote locations, collect data, complete safety inspections, capture project progress and so much more. Surveyors use them to create 3d mapping or images that later can be used to depict an area. You can expect rules on usage of drones to begin clarifying as the FFA begins to refine regulations. / Sustainability Closely related to green technology, sustainability can be defined as a broader policy of using methods and business models that make the world a better place. While "green" building practices are really focused mostly on reducing the carbon footprint of a particular construction project, sustainability has broader goals. Among the elements of sustainable construction practice: • Preservation of the natural environment• Efficient use of resources• Promoting social progress and culture “With costs of quality drones falling, usage will expand in 2019” / Green Design and Construction Technology Also continuing into 2019 is the trend toward green design and technology in construction. Every construction project is expected to increase their participation through green design aiming towards the LEED certification. This trend, which started some years ago, will continue to rise in 2019. The essence of green design and construction is the effort to create resource-efficient and environmentally responsible construction projects. It includes every aspect of construction, including planning and design, demolition, and cleanup. With 20 percent of global emissions directly attributable to the construction industry, green building practices can go a long way toward supporting, rather than harming, the environment—especially at a time when aging buildings make new construction so critical. As was true in 2018, 2019 will also see more local aimed at fostering the green building trend. For example, a sustainable construction project may feature building designs aimed at bringing natural light into the center of a building, thereby reducing electrical costs. Or, a building can be designed to reuse drain water from sinks to flush toilets. Some sustainable projects look to integrate existing structures into a new project, or to make use of recycled or repurposed building materials. Increasing interest in sustainability by millennial consumers and clients will require forward-thinking construction companies to accommodate this trend in 2019.Uno dei siti archeologici più interessanti dell'entroterra siciliano è sicuramente l'antica città greca di Morgantina. Le numerose fonti in cui viene menzionata Morgantina sono una riprova della sua importanza. Alle informazioni delle fonti letterarie si aggiungono ovviamente i reperti rinvenuti in seguito agli scavi archeologici effettuati in tutta l'area. La città si estende su una piccola pianura delimitata da dolci colline. Al centro del pianoro si trova l'Agorà dominata dall'alto dal "colle della Cittadella", sede dell'Acropoli.
Konstra is featured in the latest edition of the Business Journal (BJ), a leading weekly business periodical for the Cragetown, D.E. metropolitan area. Reporter, Carelyn K.Potter interviewed several Konstra leaders, including our Chairman and CEO, Bruce Dickson, the third-generation family leader, and talked about our company’s rich history of positively engaging in the communities where we work and live, the projects we build for our customers that contribute to local economies, and opportunities for good and challenging work. / Better Construction Management Software Construction management software has steadily improved over the last few years, and many affordable packages are now available that bundle together software for bidding and estimating, project management, change orders, scheduling, human resources, billing, accounting and more. 2019 will see more large and small companies making use of affordable integrated software solutions. / Use of Drones Continuing into 2019 will be one of the hottest trends of recent years: the use of drones. Drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, are here to stay. Drones equipped wih cameras and other electronics can access remote locations, collect data, complete safety inspections, capture project progress and so much more. Surveyors use them to create 3d mapping or images that later can be used to depict an area. You can expect rules on usage of drones to begin clarifying as the FFA begins to refine regulations. / Sustainability Closely related to green technology, sustainability can be defined as a broader policy of using methods and business models that make the world a better place. While "green" building practices are really focused mostly on reducing the carbon footprint of a particular construction project, sustainability has broader goals. Among the elements of sustainable construction practice: • Preservation of the natural environment• Efficient use of resources• Promoting social progress and culture “With costs of quality drones falling, usage will expand in 2019” / Green Design and Construction Technology Also continuing into 2019 is the trend toward green design and technology in construction. Every construction project is expected to increase their participation through green design aiming towards the LEED certification. This trend, which started some years ago, will continue to rise in 2019. The essence of green design and construction is the effort to create resource-efficient and environmentally responsible construction projects. It includes every aspect of construction, including planning and design, demolition, and cleanup. With 20 percent of global emissions directly attributable to the construction industry, green building practices can go a long way toward supporting, rather than harming, the environment—especially at a time when aging buildings make new construction so critical. As was true in 2018, 2019 will also see more local aimed at fostering the green building trend. For example, a sustainable construction project may feature building designs aimed at bringing natural light into the center of a building, thereby reducing electrical costs. Or, a building can be designed to reuse drain water from sinks to flush toilets. Some sustainable projects look to integrate existing structures into a new project, or to make use of recycled or repurposed building materials. Increasing interest in sustainability by millennial consumers and clients will require forward-thinking construction companies to accommodate this trend in 2019.Caltagirone sorge a 611 metri su una cima dei Monti Erei che dal centro della Sicilia si sviluppano verso sud-est, saldandosi proprio qui con gli Iblei. La città si estende per le pendici a mezzogiorno di tale altura, avendo nel tempo inglobato la collina di San Giorgio a levante e poi quella adiacente di S. Francesco d'Assisi a cui fu collegata nel XVI secolo da un grandioso ponte. La città, che attualmente conta circa 39.000 abitanti, è la seconda, dopo il capoluogo, della provincia di Catania, da cui dista 76 Km. per la strada rotabile e 91 Km. per ferrovia.
Konstra is featured in the latest edition of the Business Journal (BJ), a leading weekly business periodical for the Cragetown, D.E. metropolitan area. Reporter, Carelyn K.Potter interviewed several Konstra leaders, including our Chairman and CEO, Bruce Dickson, the third-generation family leader, and talked about our company’s rich history of positively engaging in the communities where we work and live, the projects we build for our customers that contribute to local economies, and opportunities for good and challenging work. / Better Construction Management Software Construction management software has steadily improved over the last few years, and many affordable packages are now available that bundle together software for bidding and estimating, project management, change orders, scheduling, human resources, billing, accounting and more. 2019 will see more large and small companies making use of affordable integrated software solutions. / Use of Drones Continuing into 2019 will be one of the hottest trends of recent years: the use of drones. Drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, are here to stay. Drones equipped wih cameras and other electronics can access remote locations, collect data, complete safety inspections, capture project progress and so much more. Surveyors use them to create 3d mapping or images that later can be used to depict an area. You can expect rules on usage of drones to begin clarifying as the FFA begins to refine regulations. / Sustainability Closely related to green technology, sustainability can be defined as a broader policy of using methods and business models that make the world a better place. While "green" building practices are really focused mostly on reducing the carbon footprint of a particular construction project, sustainability has broader goals. Among the elements of sustainable construction practice: • Preservation of the natural environment• Efficient use of resources• Promoting social progress and culture “With costs of quality drones falling, usage will expand in 2019” / Green Design and Construction Technology Also continuing into 2019 is the trend toward green design and technology in construction. Every construction project is expected to increase their participation through green design aiming towards the LEED certification. This trend, which started some years ago, will continue to rise in 2019. The essence of green design and construction is the effort to create resource-efficient and environmentally responsible construction projects. It includes every aspect of construction, including planning and design, demolition, and cleanup. With 20 percent of global emissions directly attributable to the construction industry, green building practices can go a long way toward supporting, rather than harming, the environment—especially at a time when aging buildings make new construction so critical. As was true in 2018, 2019 will also see more local aimed at fostering the green building trend. For example, a sustainable construction project may feature building designs aimed at bringing natural light into the center of a building, thereby reducing electrical costs. Or, a building can be designed to reuse drain water from sinks to flush toilets. Some sustainable projects look to integrate existing structures into a new project, or to make use of recycled or repurposed building materials. Increasing interest in sustainability by millennial consumers and clients will require forward-thinking construction companies to accommodate this trend in 2019.Agrigento fu fondata intorno al 580 a.C., nel corso dei secoli il suo territorio venne insediato da vari popoli che lasciarono traccia nell'isola.
Il suo centro storico si trova sulla sommità occidentale della collina dell'antica Girgenti, e conserva ancora oggi vari edifici medioevali (chiese, monasteri, conventi e palazzi nobiliari) ed anche se risulta degradato dal tempo, si possono ancora visitare alcuni dei monumenti principali, come:
Cattedrale di San Gerlando. La Cattedrale fu edificata a partire dalla seconda metà del XI sec, consacrata nel 1099 dal vescovo Gerlando, dichiarato Santo e a lui poi dedicata nel 1305.
Santuario di San Calogero, XVI sec. La chiesa è a tre navate e al suo interno le decorazioni ricalcano lo stile barocco. Sul prospetto spicca, in una nicchia, la statua di San Calogero con la caratteristica cerva.
La Valle dei Templi è il sito archeologico più importante, di ellenica costruzione, con i resti di dieci templi in ordine dorico, tre santuari, un forte raggruppamento di necropoli (Montelusa; Mosè; Pezzino; necropoli romana e tomba di Terone; Paleocristiana; Acrosoli), diverse opere idrauliche (giardino della Kolymbetra e gli Ipogei), fortificazioni, parte di un quartiere ellenistico romano costruito su pianta greca e due importanti luoghi di riunione: l'Agorà inferiore e l'Agorà superiore; vi sono anche un Olympeion e un Bouleuterion (sala del consiglio) di epoca romana su pianta greca. Il Parco archeologico di Agrigento è il sito archeologico più vasto al mondo (c.a. 1.300 ha).
Siracusa venne fondata nel 734 a.C. da coloni provenienti da Corinto; diventerà per Cicerone "la più grande e bella di tutte le città greche". Il nome trae origine da Syraka (che vuol significare abbondanza d'acqua), grazie ai numerosi corsi d’acqua e alla sua zona paludosa.
Sono tantissime le attrazioni turistiche di Siracusa. Di seguito ne elenchiamo solo alcune.
Sono molte le notizie sull'origine di Taormina, ma dubbiose per la scarsa documentazione e attendibilità.
La fondazione di questo celebre centro turistico siciliano fu determinata dalla comparsa di qualche comunità di profughi greci provenienti dalla attigua città di Naxos, già conquistata in precedenza da Dionigi I di Siracusa e tra le più antiche colonie greche dell'isola, nel 358 A.C., origine che prevede un nome differente dall'attuale, cioè Tauromenion.
Vecchia Masseria has maped 8 itinerary to go through by walking, riding bikes and quads. It is possible to do these itineraries by yourself using your own smartphone or tablet where you can follow the tracks using the app.
The mountain bikes are at your disposal at the location and are completely free of charge. The ebikes instead are to be booked in advance (while you book the room) as it is a outside service and supplier.
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